NestJs Ecommerce Development — Part I

asif iqubal
2 min readDec 22, 2020

In this tutorial series we will use NestJs to develop a simple Ecommerce backend. The database used is MongoDB.

Start with NestJs cli to create a new app —

nest new nestjs-ecommerce

Add Mongoose —

npm install --save mongoose

Next add mongoose module in AppModule imports section —


Our next step is to create Category module —

Create module using- 'nest g module category'category — dtos — schemascategory.controller.tscategory.service.tscategory.module.ts

Category model will have unique slug. So using plugin mongoose-slug-generator. Category schemas folder has schema for Category —

import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from ‘@nestjs/mongoose’;import { Document } from ‘mongoose’;export type CategoryDocument = Category & Document;@Schema()export class Category {@Prop({ required: true })name: string;@Prop({ slug: 'name', unique: true }) // The slug: 'name' will //create unique slugs on name property.slug: string;@Prop()banner: string;}export const CategorySchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(Category);

To activate plugin with mongoose feature module category we have to add the below lines in CategoryModule imports section.

MongooseModule.forFeatureAsync([{name:,useFactory: () => {const schema = CategorySchema;schema.plugin(require(‘mongoose-slug-generator’));return schema;},}])

Next we need a data transfer object for carrying data between service and controller.

// We need class-validator to validate api// npm i --save class-validator class-transformerimport { IsNotEmpty } from “class-validator”;export class CategoryDto {@IsNotEmpty()name: string;slug: string;banner: string;}

Next we will create category service —

import { Injectable } from ‘@nestjs/common’;import { InjectModel } from ‘@nestjs/mongoose’;import { Model } from ‘mongoose’;import { Category, CategoryDocument } from ‘./schemas/category.schema’;import { CategoryDto } from ‘./dtos/category-dto’;@Injectable()export class CategoryService {constructor(@InjectModel( private catModel: Model<CategoryDocument>) {}async create(categoryDto: CategoryDto): Promise<Category> {const createdCat = new this.catModel(categoryDto);return;}async update(categoryDto: CategoryDto, id: string): Promise<Category> {return this.catModel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {…categoryDto}, {useFindAndModify: false}).exec();}async findAll(): Promise<Category[]> {return this.catModel.find().exec();}async findOne(id: string): Promise<Category> {return this.catModel.findById(id).exec();}async findOneBySlug(slug: string): Promise<Category> {return this.catModel.findOne({slug}).exec();}async deleteOne(id: string): Promise<Category> {return this.catModel.deleteOne({ _id: id}).exec();}}

And at last the controller

import { Body, Controller, Delete, Get, Param, Post, Put, ValidationPipe } from ‘@nestjs/common’;import { Category } from ‘./schemas/category.schema’;import { CategoryService } from ‘./category.service’;import { CategoryDto } from ‘./dtos/category-dto’;@Controller(‘category’)export class CategoryController {constructor(private readonly catService: CategoryService) {}@Post()// ValidationPipe() will help to validate input body using 'class-validator'
async create(@Body(new ValidationPipe()) categoryDto: CategoryDto) {
await this.catService.create(categoryDto);}@Get()async findAll(): Promise<Category[]> {return this.catService.findAll();}@Get(‘:id’)findOne(@Param(‘id’) id: string) {return this.catService.findOne(id);}@Get('categoryBySlug/:slug')findOneBySlug(@Param('slug') slug: string) {return this.catService.findOneBySlug(slug);}@Put(‘:id’)update(@Param(‘id’) id: string, @Body() updateCatDto: CategoryDto) {return this.catService.update(updateCatDto, id);}@Delete(‘:id’)remove(@Param(‘id’) id: string) {return this.catService.deleteOne(id);}}

So we now have /category API with POST, PUT, GET and DELETE with input validation and slugify.

Next we will create the Product module and add relationship between Category and Product.

Github link

Thank you.

